Transformed with Tony : Nancy Tremblay
Hi Everyone. My Name is Nancy Tremblay. I was offered to share with you the story of my beautiful transformation with the precious help and guidance of Tony Morris. I am a French Canadian native. I have lived in Quebec, Canada for 25 years until I started skydiving. I fell in love with the sport right away. As a gift to myself after finishing my bachelor degree in Kinesiology, I decided to go on a skydiving trip in Deland, Florida. I was supposed to stay for 3 weeks but I ended up staying and moving down south for good. During my first years in beautiful Florida, I had the amazing opportunity to start my own skydiving jumpsuit manufacturing company. I created a one-of-a-kind, stylish, ultra performance and very resistant product. My business became very successful and well reputable around the world within 2 years of operation. Also during that period of time I got married to a wonderful man that experienced a serious skydiving accident. My husband was paralyzed from the chest down permanently. I focused all the energy that I had to be able to go through a very intense but beautiful storm. My desire for fitness came back with a special strength. Seeing Chris (my husband) struggling with his health and wellbeing made me more aware of my own. To be able to be strong for him, I had to be strong with myself and the best way to achieve this challenge was to take care of myself by working out, eating well and resting enough. I started slowly but surely my journey to fitness. I had just joined “Facebook” and met a special friend. He eventually introduced me to Tony Morris. We bonded quickly. Our” e-conversations” were deep and honest. A true connection was established. After a couple months of chatting, Tony invited me to visit him in L.A. Accepting such an invitation was a totally new experience for me but my gut feeling was telling me that this was the right thing to do. I had 3 weeks to “prepare” for my trip. I was a little nervous since I knew that Tony was in such great shape. Realizing that motivated me to kick my training up a couple of notches. My trip was a delight. Our meeting was only the beginning of an amazing friendship from the heart. Since then, Tony has been my mentor, my true source of inspiration. His help, guidance, patience, loyalty and desire to see me succeed that I started an ascension to a “better me” at all levels. I climbed the steps one by one until I reached a competitive level. I decided, with all the support of Tony, to compete as a Figure Athlete. I started 2 years ago. I have now since 10 shows under my belt and placed top 3 in most of my competitions. I have recently participated to my 1st “Pro Qualifier”. The experience wouldn’t have been possible without Tony. As Tony says; I have made an extraordinary transformation from a little caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly. I am now ready to take my 1st flight and guess what… Tony is still helping me to propel myself to the next level. If you have the true desire to go beyond anything you have ever experienced in your life, Tony Morris will help you to reach your goal (s) like nobody. He is a fantastic knowledgeable personal trainer and motivator. If there is somebody that wants to see you succeed with your fitness goals, it’s Tony. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me Tony. You have and are still uplifting me to the next level!