Finally Get The Body Transformation That You Can Be Proud Of!
All throughout high school and college I was always one of the active guys that could play harder, workout harder and still be able to keep my grades up. I guess you can say that I was one of the “overachievers” growing up. Growing up in the Midwest there wasn’t much else to do but go to the gym, chase the girls and drink beer with the buds on Friday nights. Oh how times change!
Just out of college I got a good paying career in accounting and shortly thereafter I met my ex-wife Jean. Life was wonderful, we raised a couple beautiful young children, had the house of our dreams and seemed financially set. As time went on we both seemed to get lazy. I stopped going to the gym, she stopped going too. Needless to say we both started to really pack on the pounds into our early 30’s, and to be honest, we both started losing physical attraction for one-another.
After nearly 20 years of marriage we both mutually agreed to get a divorce. Lucky for us, the feeling was mutual and the divorce proceedings actually went pretty smooth, believe it or not. Since our two children were setup good and going to college I decided to move out to Los Angeles in the Fall of 2011, to the Newport Beach area to be exact.
Talk about culture shock! Wow! The people in Newport Beach are active, like they never stop. I guess that’s probably why I kinda unconsciously picked this area to move to. While it was a bit of a pay cut coming from my $70K a year accounting job, to working on lawn equipment as a mechanic in the local area, I do not regret the move in the slightest!
Let me tell you this, it was really intimidating going to the beach when I first got to California. I mean, the women are absolutely beautiful and the competition for them is fierce. It is unreal how some of these guys can be so successful and maintain the physique to boot!
I have been in the area for a little over two years now, and its been tough for me to get used to staying active and keeping up with my 5:30am surfing buddy that I met at my new job. The kid is a machine, we surf together in the morning, then after work he goes out and surfs the afternoon session. No way! After work I am pooped!
Recently I have discovered a fitness guru of sorts out here in California named Tony Morris. Tony has a whole line of weight loss and nutrition supplements that he has formulated over the last decade or so. I have been taking his “Shred – Advanced Weightloss Formula” and man it really has made all of the difference! After trying his “Shred” formula I have really become a fan of Tony, so much that I have decided to take his 12 week body transformation program that he offers through his website.
So far I am on week 7 of his 12 week Body Transformation program and the results are extremely noticeable, unlike anything that I could have ever imagined. With his diet program and workout regime I now have better abs than what I had when I first met my ex-wife. My energy levels are higher, I feel healthier and I still have time to hit the morning surf session with my buddy from work! Even better yet, is that I am getting my confidence back up to start applying for a “real job” doing what I especially love to do, accounting for fortune 500 companies.
I cannot stress enough the effectiveness of Tony Morris’ 12 Week Transformation Program. I can tell from the look in other guys eye’s when I ride my beach cruiser down the boardwalk with my shirt off, they are jealous and some of them are even intimidated. I just try to keep a smile on my face, don’t want to intimidate people too much. -lol
So far Tony Morris’ 12 Week Body Transformation has been worth every penny. I encourage everyone to try it. You owe it to yourself to feel better and gain the confidence that you deserve!
-Tom 44 Newport Beach.
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